Tag: liner notes

  • Adding Liner Notes

    Adding Liner Notes

    Adding Liner Notes

    Moving forward with the digital age a vital part of the recording process got lost along the way. The part was the whole thing with who did what. Sadly it’s likely the easiest thing to add and it got left behind. There is now a strong push by NARAS a.k.a. Grammys to bring this into the future. Yes, adding liner notes is getting a nice lift to go digital.

    I took some time yesterday to go through all my music and lyric pages to update them with some simple liner note information. Thus now you can learn who wrote what, who played what, who mixed what, and who mastered what on all my released recordings.

    Beyond the simple liner notes I added a couple of extra bits of information for fun. The extra bits are also to answer some of the questions I’ve been asked about particular songs.

    As the actual standard for liner note information gets finalized, I’ll likely add additional bits of information to keep it current. Right now there is no standard, thus it’s what I currently imagine it to be.


    For future recordings my liner notes will get much more detailed. Detailed to the point of geekdom. Which means I will include things like what guitar I used. What kind of strings, pickups, etc. Same with vocal mics, DAW, drums, bass, synths, etc. Essentially I may include the whole darn shebang into the liner notes. Plus I’ll add thank you’s and other acknowledgements. Much like you would see on printed materials that used to accompany Vinyl and CDs. Of course they’ll likely get split between liner notes that are specific to a song, and those that are general to the release. Details, details, details. All to satisfy the ubër fan and of course myself. I love to read about the who, the what, the where and the when of recordings.

    Head on over to the music pages and delve a little further if you dare!

    Grammys Liner Notes

    – Jody