Tag: mixing

  • Rocking Into A Hernia

    Rocking Into A Hernia

    hernia post opAlways lift things the right way, you don’t want to get a hernia. I like to tell people I rocked so hard that I got a hernia. Reality is tad farther from the truth. What’s the reality? I was doing a P90X workout. Specifically it happened while I was doing a tricep row in a forward lunge.

    It doesn’t look like it, but I’m pretty strong in this regard. So a couple of years ago I decided to add a bit more weight to the exercise. So far so good. Then I switched sides and I ended up spacing out a little bit on my body form. Lift, lift, lift, pfft, hmmm, what was that? Lift, and finished out the workout.

    I didn’t really notice it as it was extremely small.

    Fast forward to a couple of months ago and I’m chatting on the phone with a friend who is undergoing a hernia operation. Seems he had been born with it. Never did anything about it for many years and now it had become a problem. This gave me a reason to say – hmmmm, I might want to go have myself checked out. Up to that point, what I was seeing was so small, didn’t hurt, and I could push it back in kind of thing that I didn’t know it was a hernia.

    Next step, see the doc.

    You Have A Hernia

    A few quick questions from the doc and then it’s: drop your pants. I drop ’em and he says push down. I do and he’s feeling around as I do it. Immediate answer – yes, you have a hernia.

    The doc sends me to yet another doc to give a 2nd opinion. Sure enough, she says yes you have a hernia. They didn’t feel it was urgent. Made me feel better for sure. I pepper her with questions about the types of operations and recovery.

    I get all the information together I can and decide I should get the operation scheduled. That happened a couple of weeks ago. The drag of it is we’re in the middle of finishing up a song single, I had couple of other production music things going on, but the date of November 7th ended up being my best option so that I’d be fully recovered by Christmas and New Years.

    Going in the for the operation was a piece of cake. Went to sleep under the lights. Woke up next to nurses.

    The photo you see above is from later in the day after the operation. My stomach, which hours before hand was a 6 pack of abs with nearly zero body fat, was swollen and I wasn’t happy if I moved. I spent 4 days in bed, getting up only to go to the bathroom.

    Now two weeks later, I’m a bit more mobile and I’m able to sit in the studio a mix for little bits at time. In my time of laying around for 4 days in bed, I was watching a ton of movies and doing a ton of thinking of things to do.

    I’m very much considering doing some things about the production of this new song that could make for interesting things down the line.

    Stay tuned.

    p.s. – thanks to everyone that has been wishing me a speedy recovery.

  • Beaming Like A Supernova

    Beaming Like A Supernova

    supernova studioHow do you write a tune about a Supernova?

    A little like this. You play basketball with a bunch of guys who all work in the music industry. Guitar players, singers, bassists, drummers, mixers, etc. Jumping around pretending to be NBA type players. There’s a lot of shit talking and then saying hey, we should make some music. Such is the case for myself and Claude J Woods. We met playing basketball.

    We started with a tune called Keep The Swagg Up – very Hip Hop. The second one we wrote was Whipped again more hip hop in nature. This time around it’s more of an urban pop R&B type thing called Supernova.

    Step inside with me as I play you a clip of the song as I’m working on the mix.


    YouTube player


    Working on a song called: Supernova. And it
    sounds a little something like this.

    You’re more than a star
    You’re beaming like a Supernova
    That just blasted through my heart and took over


    Have a great day!

  • Mixing It Up And Down

    Mixing It Up And Down

    The light at the end of the tunnel on a recent project is opening wide. A project I’ve been doing for John Michael Kane has been completed today. I’ve been mixing it up and down with a large selection of songs for John and now it’s over.

    The beauty is, a lot this music will be getting heard relatively soon on sports programs and other things TV related. John is part of a library that gets his songs licensed on TV. It’s a beautiful thing.

    In front of the last mix for John Michael Kane.

    This particular song is called “Won’t Stand Down”. Seems like I went alphabetical in the song order or I could been saving the best for last. Either way, I’m happy, he’s happy. We’re all happy with the end result. May the music grace your ears before too long.

    — Jody