Tag: song voting

  • Down To 18 Songs

    Down To 18 Songs

    Here’s my thanks to everyone that took the time to vote on the songs. It started with 70. Then came to 32. Now it’s down to 18. From here on out, I’ll be tweaking and massaging the songs that are left. Of the 18 left, at least 6 will fall by the wayside. They might become b-sides to singles. What will be left are 12 super potent songs that will be sheer awesomeness.

    I’m excited to have brought fans in on the process of picking out the songs. The beauty is allowing all to see the process we songwriters go through to create words and sounds you get upon final release. A process that can take a ridiculous amount of time and effort.

    I appreciate the time and effort that was put into the listening and voting as well. I know it takes a good chunk of time to listen to 70 songs and give an opinion on them. Then to do it again on 32 songs.

    My next step as it goes is to take time going back over songs with a fine tooth comb and make some adjustments. Figure out if the key of each song is the best it can be. If there is a need for anything else in the arrangements and how they need to transpire. Once this is figured out it will be time to head into the studio and begin the recording process.

    Stay tuned.

    — Jody

  • Song Voting Coming To An End

    There’s less than a week left in a cool little project of putting your ears to good use. I’ve been having you the Unity 42 fan to help pick the songs that will be presented on the next CD. It started with over 70 songs and has been an adventure getting them down to a studio manageable amount of 12. What I’m saying is song voting is coming to an end.

    It will end on the 30th of June.

    After which comes my process of going through the chosen songs to make tweaks to the arrangement, tempo, and any lyrical content that may need modifying. Once that’s done I should be heading into the studio with a band of friends to knock out the recordings. It’s exciting to have all this going on.

    Thanks to everyone that has been participating. If you have participated yet – why not?

    — Jody

  • A Musician With A Full Plate

    Unlike the recent story that graced the pages of the SESAC Magazine, this interview with the Park Record is one I haven’t forgotten about. Mostly because I sat with Scott just last week. Based on that and him telling me the story would run on Saturday it’s pretty easy to remember that it was recent. The best part is, it’s another write up that really went well. I may be a musician with a full plate, but I still enjoy reading a good article.

    Here’s the link for the article that appeared in The Park Record on Saturday May 12th. (click the paper name)

    The two highlights are the song voting and the Patrons of Music points that are being announced and are now open on my website. In order to vote on songs, you need to log in to my website here (in the upper right of the column to the right of here). Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to see the “Voting” link in the menu. You hit that and bingo, you can listen to demos for the next CD and then vote on them. It’s a beautiful thing.

    For the Patrons of Music, I’m going the Kickstarter type route without using Kickstarter. The article explains why. Mostly because I’m wanting to cover all my bases beyond major investors.


    — Jody