Tag: utah

  • Rockstars Don't Make Good Pro Football Players

    Rockstars Don't Make Good Pro Football Players

    Rockstars Don’t Make Good Pro Football Players

    I’m a pretty sporty guy. I do a lot of different sports at various levels of awesomeness. However, there is one sport that I pretty much stayed away from, Football. Not the European version of it, known as soccer in the U.S., rather the American version. Last weekend I was invited to the PDFL (professional developmental football league), pretty much the D-Leauge of Football. I got asked to do something at half-time that left me saying that rockstars don’t make good pro football players.

    The team who’s game I was at is the Utah Argonauts, also known as the Utah Argos.

    Utah Argos Rockstars

    During the game I was approached by someone working for the team asking if I’d be willing to get out on the field during halftime in order to participate in a kicking contest. They had no idea my background as a rockstar. Meaning a kicking a field goal contest. While I had never kicked a football, I figured why the hell not? What could possibly go wrong, and what do I really have to lose? Famous last questions that cross the minds of rockstars who jump at the chance to get in front of a crowd all in the name of fun and sport. Right?

    Below is video of the event.

    As you can see, I know that I wouldn’t make a very good kicker. At least not without some coaching. As a bonus, I did actually receive tickets to the rest of the Argonauts home season games. That’s a nice consolation prize for getting up in front of a crowd and professional football players only to make them look like they really know what they’re doing by comparison. I believe the winner also got a signed set of autographed photos to go with their seasons tickets.

    – Jody

    p.s. – if you’re not aware what the D-Leauge is, it’s the developmental league or the minor league of the NBA.

  • Taking A Skiing Break At Deer Valley

    Taking A Skiing Break At Deer Valley

    Skiing At Deer Valley

    Every once in a while it’s a good idea to get outside and do something else other than what you do for your career. It’s a great way to recharge the batteries. One of my favorite ways is via skiing.


    For me, I grew up skiing. Initially I hated it. Hated it so much that I literally sidestepped down a very flat slope that today I’d never be able to ski, only because it’s to flat to get anywhere. From there I learned to ski, eventually started competing in traditional ski racing of: Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Downhill.

    Finally after a couple of years of traditional racing I grew bored with it. A year later I was asked to join a ragtag bunch of peeps that were into skiing moguls and voila, I became a freestyle skier. I got good. Really good. So became a competitive skier on the Freestyle circuit in the Intermountain West division. I started out as a combined skier doing Moguls, Aerials and Ballet. Ballet?!? Yes, they used to have a portion of freestyle skiing discipline that was Ballet. After a few years I was consistently making nationals and dropped ballet to concentrate on moguls and aerials. In my final year of competition I nearly made it to World Cup and the Olympics – missed it by >< that much – one place away. Ouch. I enjoyed it anyway. (Below is a picture of me flying high over some trees.)

    Jody Jumping Skiing

    The 2012-2013 ski season has come to a close, despite more snow falling well into spring. Here’s a little video of me skiing with some friends at the infamous Deer Valley ski resort in Park City Utah.

    Yes, I ski. I ski hard. I ski fast. I do it without a helmet! Enjoy a little spring skiing break.

    p.s. – I’m saddened by the news of the explosion at the Boston Marathon finish line. I actually had friends there and they’re ok – that’s a big plus.