Category: News

  • Song Demo

    Alright, as promised…

    I’ve got another song demo posted. This time around it’s a tune called Favor Me check the music page. Yes, you can hear the demo mix that will lead to the final version sometime early in 2004. In the mean time, I’ve begun booking some things around Phoenix and will flesh out more dates.

    Ultrasound Management has begun to piece together the inklings of the tour for next year. As well a song that I co-wrote with Will Champlin and Greg Watton called “Nuthin’s Gonna Make Me” is going to be recorded by a new artist. Think Justin Timberlake on Steroids.

    Don’t forget to send in your favorite Thanksgiving story, you might just win a special collectors CD.

  • Thanksgiving Stories

    Ok, so I sent out the November news letter and started to get emails about strange Thanksgiving Day stories. In light of some of the responses I’ve already gotten, I’d like to turn this into a contest…

    So, email me your strangest Thanksgiving Day story (it has to be true please) and come the first week of December I’ll figure out which story I like best. The winner will receive their story posted here for the world to see, and will get a copy of A Natural Leap Forward (website). You’ll either win the CD or the DVD, but you won’t get both.

    In the mean time, I’ll post a clip of another new song “Favor Me” early next week. Come on back to listen, but before you leave, check out “Closer to Ourselves” on the music page.

    See ya soon.

  • Halloween


    Happy Halloween everyone!

    You can hear a clip of the new song Closer to Ourselves on the music page. Enjoy!

  • Changes and clips

    Things are looking up musically. I’m sending in the changes and a few extra tunes. Meanwhile I’m still writing some newer ones that should be finished by Friday. In the meantime, you can hear a clip of one of the new songs on the music page. It’s at the top under the demos list. Click on and enjoy.

    I’ll post a clip of Favor Me sometime next week. Check back by.

    Feel free to contact me with anything you’d like to say about the music on the contact page. See ya soon.

  • Song Samples and iTunes

    You bitched and you got it! All song samples are 2 minutes in length! No more 30 sec. clips.

    A little bird has told me that Apple is good to go with the iTunes and my music making it’s way on there. I’m still waiting final word, but it is looking pretty good and just as soon as I know, I will announce it here so we can organize your purchases!

    I’ve made the minor tweaks to two new songs: Closer to Ourselves, and Favor Me. I’ll be doing live drums in the next couple of days. Meanwhile, I’m churning out 3 new songs to be armed with extra ammo for next week when I head to the Labels.

    I will likely post a clip of Closer to Ourselves next week. Stop back by.

  • Durango Songwriters Expo

    “Hell Yeah, Sounds Good, Turn it Up!” was the vibe at the gathering in Durango Colorado last weekend. I had a blast at the Durango Songwriters Expo. Oh where to begin?

    First, a friend of mine that I didn’t know was going showed up, Don Campbell. If you haven’t heard of him then you best go to Don’s Website and check him out. He’s got a country flavor, but has a great song sensibility about him.

    Second, got to get some one on one with several A and R types from some labels and with some other industry folk. I brought some of the new material for feedback. As of right now, I’m very excited about the contacts I made in the listening sessions. It’s prompted me to make some minor tweaks to a couple of songs. In two weeks I’ll know a little more.

    Third, I got schooled in some new song writing skills by several artists I’d never heard of and now have a lot of respect for: Jeff Steele, Gary Baker, Walt, Big Al, Jimbo, just to name a few. As well, I witnessed a very cool live performance by Wendy Woo. She kicks ass live.

    Fourth, I was singled out in one of the discussion panels. Over what? Then again in the same panel when it was mentioned everyone should do a cover song by Jody Whitesides and then put it on their CD’s and up for sale at all the digital download sites. Thanks for that one, I think we all got a good laugh out of it.

    I made friends with Gary Baker who has written songs for Lonestar, Backstreet Boys, N’Sync and many others. So much so that I let him borrow my guitar for the two performances he did there. I was honored when he announced it to the audience.

    So, at the moment, I’m taking a little break from the live shows so that I can concentrate on touching up these songs and churn out about 7 more. In the mean time, check the videos and explore the CD sites. Ultrasound is currently working on the Booking of the tour for next year. Stay Tuned as I’ll likely book a few shows to start showcasing the new songs for y’all. I’ll also post some snippets of the new songs so that you can get a taste of what’s in store.

    Stop by soon.

  • MacAddict

    Oh my, I got a phone call from a good friend today who is a MacAddict subscriber. Seems that a little tip from CD Baby’s Derek Sivers has been a really good thing. In the November issue of MacAddict I’m on the CD that comes with the magazine. In fact, they have made me the first song that plays when you stick the CD in the computer in order to check out the goodies that are loaded on it.

    If you are a reader of MacAddict and are hearing about me for the first time, then welcome and come on in. Poke around, have some fun. No… actually, have a lot of fun!

    I’m getting fully amp’d up to be in Colorado, should be an exciting trip. I’ll have more news early next week about what happens!


  • New Songs

    I want to thank everyone who participated in the September Contest. As you can see there have been some changes made to the website to make it quicker and easier for everyone to use. So poke around and see what you find here.

    It’s finally been made official: I’m now managed by Ultrasound Entertainment. The contract has been signed and we’re good to go.

    The first order of business has been to put “A Natural Leap Forward” on the shelf for a while. We’re going after the bigger picture. I’ve already written three new songs: “Falling In”, “Favor Me”, and “Closer To Ourselves”. The response on these three has been nothing short of spectacular. So I’m very happy to be toting them to the Durango Songwriters Expo with me.

    With that said, I’ll be heading to Durango Colorado for a few days in early Oct. Hobnobbing with A’n’R, Film/TV, Music Supervisors, Publishers, etc… I’m going for the jugular. I’ll either come back with a very promising future or I’ll die!

    The manager is out hunting for a new booking agency and will be working with them on booking me on a tour for spring/summer of 2004. Between now and the future I’ll be writing another bag of songs to accompany these three that I already have. No word on the title for the new disc, but I can tell you it will turn heads, in great ways and not like the Exorcist or the re-release of Alien!

    I’ll let you know about the Theme song I’ve written and its details just as soon as I hear about it’s acceptance or dismissal.

    Always check back for show updates. All shows for the rest of the year will be special events.

    Come Back Soon!

  • Initial Spank Offer End

    Well, if you’re still looking for the $5 rebate on “Initial Spank” I’m afraid to tell you, it’s too late to get it. The August deadline has come and gone. I will be doing a September newsletter update in the next day or so. So I’ll have a new discount going with one of my CD’s.

    Hey, if you’re not signed up, why? Don’t want the inside track? You might not know who I’m creating music for or where I’m gonna be unless you’re coming back here every day or so.

    Remember Toast isn’t just for eating anymore. You’ll find out why in the September newsletter update.

    Stay Tuned.

  • Shows, Management, Discounts

    Checking in with a few things…

    First – the show with Cindy Alexander the other night was smokin’. It was a lot of fun, especially the new songs. The response on them was amazing.

    Second – It seems the management issue is good to go. As I mentioned before, I’ll be represented by Ultrasound Entertainment.

    Third – You’ve only got a couple more days to get that beautiful discount on Initial Spank.

    Forth – I’ve just finished writing a theme song. As soon as I hear details of acceptance, I’ll post here for who, what, where and when. Initial response by industry friends is very promising.

    Stay tuned for more.