Tag: new years 2014

  • Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015

    Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015

    goodbye 2014I’m excited to say goodbye 2014 hello 2015 earlier than I normally would. Why? Well…

    Because I’m actually already in 2015 as I type this right now. How is this possible you ask? Easy peasy is the answer. I’m in the land down under, known geographically as Australia. Yes! I’m in Sydney Australia enjoying some time off before the swing of 2015 gets going full.

    All I can say is: if you’re a fan of fireworks, you have to get to Sydney for their new years eve event.



    No if’s and’s or buts’s.

    Get to Sydney, you won’t be disappointed.

    New singles will be coming starting soon. Also, I’ve been hired on to score an indie feature film. Its off to an exciting start already.

    Hello 2015


    Here’s a little clip of the festivies that happened early today Jan 1st 2015.

    Hope you enjoy the end of your 2014 and enjoy your new year festivites and see you when you get here next year. Had to throw in a little time humor.

    Happy New Year!

    Stay tuned!