Tag: win

  • Touch Is Here

    Touch Is Here

    Touch-Jody-WhitesidesMaking good on the threat of a new look to the website, Touch is here. As of 12:01 this a.m. I’ve spotted Touch being available on iTunes and Amazon. I’m told Spotify, and other sites should be live with it today. As should the video be on VEVO / YouTube sometime later today.

    Touch Is Here

    As soon as I find out the link for Spotify & VEVO, I’ll be linking more places of where Touch is on the Touch page. There will be updates occurring throughout the day and the next day or so as all the links become available to me. Kinda weird launching a song on a specific day and then still having to wait to see it go live like everyone else.

    My desire is when the next single launches, they all are able to coordinate their times. We can all wish right?

    Another launch today is episode one of Inside The Recording Studio also launches today. Meaning, you can now start the journey of how Touch got recorded, piece by piece.

    p.s. – stay tuned because in the not too distant future I’ll be announcing how you could win something extremely cool via a geocache hunt.